Religion, Islam, and the Constitution

Let’s start with a definition of ‘religion.’ –  a particular system of faith and worship. And definitions often include that of worshipping a supernatural power or a God or gods. 

The definition of ‘religion’ is quite general. As such, I doubt the founders of our great nation in preparing and considering what should constitute the Constitution adopted the Protection of Religion clause with the term ‘religion’ as simply defined. There has to be more to it. What I understand is there are limitations. Actions or beliefs that pose a clear and present danger to public safety, or are criminal in nature, or violate established laws, involve harm to others, acceptance of salacious acts, or are a pretext for sedition may not receive constitutional protection.

My interpretation, however, is an understanding of Religion for the Constitution as being in principle Bible focused.  At the time when the founding fathers were considering a constitution for a new nation, America, there was Judaism, Catholicism, Protestantism, to include Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, Quaker, Anglicans, Congregationalists, and others. All these Religions were focused on the biblical God and Christ, with the exception of Judaism, wherein salvation is not through Christ. Also for the Jew, Jesus Christ and God are not one and the Trinity is not a component. The Old Testament prophesies events leading to Christ and the Holy Spirit. However it is a known fact that Jesus Christ was a Jew, lived and preached among the Jews in what is today Israel. It is his life and teachings depicted in the New Testament along with the fulfillment of prophecy. 

To deny all ideologies from making known their feelings is difficult, a denial of freedom of speech and expression. No protests would be permitted as public areas become off limits if ‘religion’ defines ‘faith’ loosely as a belief in a cause, such as abortion, anti-semitism, anti-fascism, even anti-racism, Islamophobia, or anti-Christian, anti-Religion. 

Islam may be a cause itself, as it has an objective – world domination by any means necessary. 

You can review the First Amendment and the Establishment Clause on your own.  Government was to stay out of Religion thus allowing citizens to choose the Church, among those noted, they preferred.  They did not want a Church of England nor support for a given Church as with the Lutheran Church in Germany.  Church and State were not to be as one, a theocracy.  I know this has led to debates over preaching on public lands or crosses on public property, but that is for another discussion. So the Federal Government has no official religion.  And if one Religion is allowed, to be inclusive, others too. Thus at Christmas if a crèche with Christ is displayed, then to satisfy outspoken voices, a menorah, even a crescent moon and star, may provide a balance for the liberals. What about the satanists or Hindu’s (shiva), even the swastika.  Religion cannot be that generic.

From Joshua J. Mark, Religion in Colonial America (12 April 2021). World History Encyclopedia, “Religion in Colonial America was dominated by Christianity although Judaism was practiced in small communities after 1654…. Religion was fully integrated into the lives of the colonists and completely informed their world view….Protestant Christianity understood as ‘revealed religion’ [based on scriptures (the Bible)] was the dominant religious force, which shaped colonial culture and, along with the Protestant rationalism of the 18th century, was integral to the foundation and diversification of the United States of America.”

Most legislatures in the States open with prayers, but the Supreme Court ruled such prayers ‘given by members of different denominations of Christianity,’ was not a violation.  Such prayers were for the members, not for the public. (Town of Greece v. Galloway). Note the word ‘Christianity’ used in this decision. 

The problem for the secularists, those that declare themselves non-religious, are actions of proselytization, encouraging or influencing others to join a Religion, even charitable acts they feel unfairly influence.  But how difficult is it to suggest secularism is also a Religion. As would be Antifa or Black Lives Matter. They all have what they believe in, a cause and objective. They also demonstrate on public property seeking others join them.  Again Religion for the Constitution needs a better definition, it’s own definition

Generally a Religion provides a moral code of conduct, has ethical values, all centered on human’s purpose and reason for existence. Morals being what is right and prudent. Ethical are actions that are right in the moral sense, being truthful, fair, and doing what is acceptable using common sense.

Seeking a peaceful nation, biblical moral and ethical equivalents were deemed appropriate and non-controversial, with respect for all thoughts, both liberal and conservative. Congress adopted some biblical laws with punishment and restraints placed upon those that did society harm, such as murder, stealing and destruction of property. Where honor was involved it was up to the individual, their self-respect and personal moral guidance. If it led to causing harm, then local authorities could act and make judgments. The Bible was not the basis for America’s laws, a theocracy was not even considered, but contributed to civic virtues needed for self-government. Reliance was placed on freedom and the internal moral compass of individuals.  An authoritarian ruler was anathema.

From The Bible in the Political Culture of the American Founding, by Vanessa Holden (3/14/17), “Without national morality a republican government cannot be maintained…. Acknowledging the Bible’s…role in the founding enriches an understanding of the broad range of ideas that informed the founders political thoughts and shaped the political and legal systems they sought to establish.”

Many Justices when deciding upon legal issues surrounding the Constitution give weight to the thinking and influences upon the founders at the time of the drafting.  Referred to as ‘Originalists.’ Some oppose this form of analysis, the ‘Living Constitutionalists,’ who argue such law should evolve with the times. Decisions at the Supreme Court have tended to side with the Originalists. 

Well into the 20th century the Bible was a common text used in elementary through high school. The Nation’s earliest universities were Christian focused, Harvard as example. 

Where there are false prophets there may be a religion, but is it to be ‘protected?’  Is ‘salvation’ important to the definition.  In the Bible God saves those who truly believe.  Christians believe in the Son of God, Jesus. The Son of God is God.  God saves. The forgiveness of sins for believers is by grace in that Jesus died on the cross as punishment we deserved for our sins.  Believers have a personal relationship with God. It is a personal choice to believe. Be loving of God as well as your neighbor, whether or not a Christ follower. A primary principle of this Religion. The People of the Book (the Bible) preach ‘do no harm to others.’

Islam’s god, Allah, decides who is saved, and there is always a question.  It involves works, or actions, but without assurances. The actions taken by Muslims are to focus on the prize, a world all for Islam, not salvation. Salvation is a ruse, an inducement, incentive, for the illiterate, the uneducated, the easily influenced and the culpable living in communities of Muslims, restricted to learn enough to get by in life, except for the ideology and texts for Islam itself. It is a deception towards building an army for Allah, but in reality a means for those achieving positions of authority and control in Islamic circles.  For the Muslim harm is punishable primarily when done to other Muslims. There are exclusions, such as rape of non-Muslims, honor killings (killing family members or peers if not compliant with Islam), destruction of church properties or synagogues, and violent actions taken against any who disparage Islam. Islam never says ‘do no harm.’ 

There were no mosques in the United States until 1921, then in Highland Park, Detroit, Michigan. A few others, for Albanian Muslims (Maine), Ahmaidiyya Muslims (Chicago), and the first purpose-built mosque in Cedar Rapids, Iowa (1934). By 1970 it is estimated there were only 100 or so mosques in the USA, and since then, coupled with immigration by Muslims and billions of oil dollars, mostly from Saudi Arabia, the numbers have grown to almost 3000. The Saudi’s required a strident form of Islam, Wahhabism, be taught and preached.

A 2012 Tennessee case attempting to prevent a mosque from being built arguing Islam “is not a legitimate faith” was viewed with disdain as an “idiotic claim.” Certainly Islam is currently protected.  But what about others like Atheism, Satanism, Communism, are they also protected as a religion and to claim they are not, is that also idiotic? And should it be. It can be argued Islam is an extremist element masked as a Religion for the purpose of infiltrating unsuspecting innocent societies to achieve their end goal. The rules for Islam, their Constitution, or scripture, the Koran, allows Muslims to lie (‘Takiyya’) to non-Muslims (infidels) to achieve the objective of this ideology.  Being a good neighbor as a Muslim is only to deceive.  

The Catholic church says Muslims worship the same God as Christianity and thus enjoy salvation.  I do not fully agree, sorry Pope. Muslims state you do not need to believe in Jesus to be saved.  For Muslims it becomes that of a fake prophet that does the salvation thing based on the points you earn, so to speak, and how many points depends.  It depends on the role a Muslim plays in doing their part for the cause. But no one knows how many points is enough, but martyrdom, yelling Allahu Akbar, when attacking an infidel, even an Islamophobe, harmless to the cause, seems to suffice. But if you think you earned enough and die, you will then know as you will be in the company of many virgins (for the men I assume) and for women, I guess, virgins too. Or not. My guess the outcome is one of a fiery furnace in an atmosphere of acidic ghastly odors and ugly surroundings. 

John 3:18 – He that believeth on him (Jesus) is not condemned; but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. That leaves out the Muslim from salvation.

Muslims are instructed, in their madrassas and mosques, to hate Jesus, to hate the King of Kings. Similarly Muslims are to hate those that believe in Jesus as well as just the God of the Old Testament. Muslims are not free to believe, but are required to submit. After all Islam means “submission.”  And there are rules to which Muslims must submit.  Their rule book is the Koran, call it their constitution, or their scripture.  But scripture is a stretch. But it is useful in aiding in being included as a religion and argued accordingly. Islam is political.  Islam is a system of government. It is not about a follower of this ideology having a relationship with their god, Allah, but having all the world simply submit to the rules and whoever is chosen as leader. Muslims become soldiers, or supporters, for the war against humans that have not submitted.  The leader is an autocrat, a Caliph, and Muhammad the exemplar. The dictates of Islam, its mentors,  instructs Muslims to kill any who won’t convert, or by choice chose to leave (apostasy laws).

What about those that worship the moon, the sun or rain? Meccans, pre-cursors to Islam, worshipped a moon god (Hubal). Muhammad was born in Mecca, so he is a Meccan.  Muhammad left Mecca (moved to Medina) due to being persecuted for believing in one god (there were 360 gods displayed in the Kaaba), but returned in vengeance with an army to destroy the many idols, Hubal too.  They were all replaced with just Allah. Hubal, with a correlation to the Moabite god Baal of the bible, has its influence on Arabian history, but is viewed as a symbol of idol worship by many Muslim scholars.  However there is a viewpoint that Muhammad simply replaced Hubal with Allah, still believing in the many elements of this moon oriented cult. Notice the crescent moon is the symbolism of Islam everywhere.  Thus is Allah a moon god also?  

Muslims are to be like Muhammad.  So they are to spread Islam, its rules, via warfare. Be heroic in combat, even die for the cause, and get extra points towards the virginal afterlife. Muslim’s paradise and Christian’s heaven are not exactly the same. 

Islamic scholars designate Muhammad as a Prophet with biblical connotations.  This is denied by Christians and Jews.  The scholars refer to passages in the Bible as providing reference to Muhammad, as one in Deuteronomy (18:18) about a prophet to follow from ‘brethren’ (of Israelites) and in John (14:15) as to an advocate to follow Christ’s death, “the Spirit of truth.”  The referenced prophet is Jesus; the ‘spirit’, the Holy Ghost, neither are Muhammad.  Taking issue with being denied recognition Muslims react aggressively as if being persecuted, justifying their actions and violence. 

Abraham had a bastard child, Ishmael, of his maid servant Hagar (Egyptian), who is accepted as the father of many nations associated with Arabs, and subsequent to the start of Islam (622 AD the year of Muhammad’s death).  The Bible says about Ishmael: “He shall be a wild donkey of a man, his hand against everyone and everyone’s hand against him.” (Genesis, 16:12)

Jesus was of the lineage of Isaac, Abraham’s legitimate son of his wife Sarah.  I refer to Hebrews (11:9), “By faith he (Abraham) made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise.”  Ishmael was not the heir to the promise. And in Hebrews 11:18, “…It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned.

And God’s promise. Isaiah 41:10, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand.” And Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”  There are many verses that tell of God’s promise for the faithful. The faithful are of the lineage of Isaac and Jacob, not Ishmael.

It is really questionable when our Constitution protects an ideology. Islam is a false religion, therefore it is not a Religion. It is an ideology. Islam is a political, world conquering ideology. It promotes actions and beliefs that pose a clear and present danger to public safety, are criminal in nature, violent and barbaric, violate established laws, involve harm to others, acceptance of salacious acts, and are a pretext for sedition. Islam wants nation’s laws to be Islamic Law, based on the Muslim manmade rule book, the Koran (The Islamic State). Islam is not peaceful when in a society of multiple ideologies and actual Religions. Islam  is not a Religion.  Islam should not receive constitutional protection as a Religion. 

Grace and Peace. 

(January 2024)


Thomas W. Balderston

Author and Blogger

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