Muhammad and Holy Spirit (John 14)

UI – Part 222 – John 14: Muhammad and Holy Spirit

John 14

Muhammad claims the Bible speaks of him as the Counselor, the advocate, the spirit that will follow Jesus ascension.  Christians obviously disagree with this assertion.

John 1:4-5:  “In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.”

Jesus speaking to his disciples (Apostles), John 14:15-16: “If you love me, you will obey what I command.  And I will ask the Father and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever the Spirit of Truth.”  Followed by John 14:17: “The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him.  But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.”

The reference in 17 is towards ‘believers in Christ – Christ followers’,  just as addressed to the Apostles, informs them that those who do not believe as they do ‘cannot accept’ the Holy Spirit.

For the Muslims they substitute Muhammad for the Counselor, as a means of more than denial, but substitution.  Yet the verse notes the Counselor will never be seen, yet Muhammad was a mortal, visible, not a spirit, and by placing himself in the biblical account certainly not the spirit of ‘truth.’

The ‘me’, in if you love ‘me’, is Christ (Jesus).  This suggests followers are to obey instructions from Jesus.  Jesus had to ascend into heaven (already resurrected) to make the request for his followers of God his Father.  Muhammad denies the Resurrection.

The ‘advocate’ is a person who represents another.  In this statement the ‘advocate’ is a ‘spirit’, not human, to dwell inside each believer.  Muhammad was human, thus impossible for him to fulfill this role.  Muhammad, again, was not Spirit.

Deuteronomy 18

In UI – Part 196 – Muslim Heritage – a similar reference to Muhammad as the prophet the “Lord your God will raise up for you…from among your own brothers” is discussed, “Moses who Muhammad claims named him as a successor in Deuteronomy 18:15-18 is making light of the brethren to whom Moses refers to in Deuteronomy more than in just this verse, but repeatedly, as the brethren of Israel, or Jacob, the son of Isaac, Jews.   Muhammad is using the Bible.  He only knew the Bible.  His revelations were Bible stories, not a history of his Arab Peninsula people, except as they are Gentiles, as were all of us who were not Jews.  As Gentiles we collectively inherited the Covenant of God, as a New Covenant, with the ultimate sacrifice made by Jesus for the sins of mankind, if you understand and believe. (Jews are included if they so discern the new covenant is all-inclusive)

Bible Misuse

Muhammad took advantage of the Bible for his own purposes.  So do the Muslims.  They are, unfortunately in error.  It is deception, possibly Allah’s deception, as the Quran claims Allah is the Best of Deceivers; so too, Muhammad, the Caliphs that followed, the ulema and those bathed in a culture of denial of the true Lord and Savior.

Grace and Peace

5 thoughts on “Muhammad and Holy Spirit (John 14)

  1. Muhammad is an Israelite as we’re all of the Arabs in his clan. The Holy Spirit is the Angel Gabriel (if this story has any truth to it at all, since it’s only found in 2 Gospels). Muhammad is likened to the Holy Spirit because he spoke the words of said Spirit (the Qur’an). The Qur’an was prophecied to come in Malachi 3:16. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Islam means “Peace”. Muhammad therefore would fulfill the prophecy in Jesus name as Mu Shalom (person of Peace) or “Muslim” in the Arabic tongue. The Qur’an and the Angel Gabriel will dwell in the hearts and minds of the believers forever. Further, this wasn’t to be the case until the comforter actually appeared, however they knew him because of prophecies of his coming. The Israelites had been waiting for centuries for the fulfillment of the prophecy Moses gave in Deuteronomy 18. Even a non Woman who a concubine of King Solomon had a dream about the Prophet. She called him by name and called him her friend. If a non Woman could have a revelation about the coming Prophet, then he would not be specific to only Israelites but the rest of the world as well. This is what is meant by “he deells within you”. Jesus comprehended this and that after waiting so long for the fulfillment of the prophecy in Deuteronomy 18 the believers deserved to have their faith rewarded. That’s why he prayed that God would send the comforter after him. Aside from John who was already there and shared in his mission like Aaron did with Moses, there was no other Prophet to come until Muhammad (peace be upon them all) would come and be the answer to his prayer. Peace.


    1. So you say Muhammad is a Jew. Interesting. I must apologize as I must also respectfully disagree with much of what your composed. Even you would be troubled by blasphemous commentary.

      Muhammad’s tribe was the Quraish, Family of Hashim. Semites yes, but Israeli’s, no.

      Also I cannot possibly recognize anywhere in the Bible where the Angel Gabriel and the Holy Spirit are the same. That is a leap of faith. You are welcome to provide passages. And then you claim that Muhammad “likened” to the Holy Spirit, but that does not make him either the Holy Spirit or the Comforter.

      Malachi 3:16 reference those who fear the Lord and made a list. The “scroll” is not the Quran. And if the scroll was written at that time, it does not sync with the Quran 600 plus years later.

      The ‘comforter’ is the Holy Spirit that dwells within. It is not a person, a mortal, and certainly not Muhammad. That is a convenient attempt, but this interpretation is totally contrived. And Deuteronomy 18 refers to brethren or brothers of the Jews; thus a supporter of Jews. That is not Muhammad evidenced by his own fatwa against what you would say are his brothers in Yatrib, and ever since, whereupon hundreds were slaughtered. The Banu Qurayza Jewish tribe massacred.

      Muhammad may be a self-proclaimed Prophet, but not a Prophet by any biblical standard. The answer to your prayer is through God. The love of God that dwells within you is God’s Holy Spirit, a result of the acceptance of Christ’s saving sacrifice taking the punishment we all deserve for our sin nature, your acceptance of his punishment, atoning, and being made right anew with God.



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  3. This is a great article! Especially concerning the references to the great deception, and the usurpation of Jesus’s words. Muhammad was not sent by the God of Abraham, and to believe so is an eternal mistake. Thank you for writing/sharing this.


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